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Understand the Jurisdictions Setup Requirement Before Proceed Your New Zealand Company Registration
Throughout the years, New Zeland has been standing as the easiest place to do business in the world. The country has been growing tremendously in various fields, with business being no exception, and the government of New Zeland has been doing everything it can do to make the country friendlier to investors around the world. This includes business-friendly taxation, simple trade system and so on. Another thing you would be glad to know is about the New Zeland Company registration. Registering a business in New Zealand is easy for everyone, and as for now, as 3E Accounting is also available in New Zeland. Thus, New Zeland company, at this moment, is the simplest thing that you will ever do.
Contact 3E Accounting if you want to start a business in New Zealand. We will register your New Zealand company in little to no time, and at a cheaper rate that you can imagine. We have partnered with award-winning account experts and business tycoons from New Zealand who will do the job for you. All you need to do is tell us what type of company you want in New Zealand and give us some information about your business,. Then, we will undergo the rest of the process for you.
Basically, there are three types of companies in New Zealand. You will need to have a clear idea about each of them before moving any further about the New Zealand company registration.
Sole Proprietorship
It is the simplest type of business entity in New Zealand. All that a sole trader means is a single person runs the company. The company doesn’t stand as a legal entity, and thus the funds are not separate from the person’s bank account. This means that every loss or debt is the proprietor’s liability, but he/she will have rights to all the profit.
A partnership is similar to a sole proprietorship, only that there are multiple partners running the company. Many people are associated with the company, but it still doesn’t stand as a separate legal entity. There are two types of partnership companies in New Zealand:
General Partnership – In a general partnership, each partner makes the same contributions (financially). And thus, everyone can make equal decisions.
Limited Partnership – There are some limited partners, and they don’t make as many contributions as general partners. Thus, they don’t have equal rights to make important business decisions as to the general partners of the company.
Limited Liability Company
A limited liability company is the most preferred and recommended type of business entity in New Zealand. There must be at least one director and one shareholder in a New Zealand Limited Liability company. The rule assessment, as we said is very straightforward and simple, and there is no minimum share capital. All you need to do is verify that your business idea is viable, and the way that you run your business will not violate the law. (Contact us for more).
Looking forward to forming a business? 3E Accounting is the easiest way to do New Zealand company registration. We will also help you with other things involved during the business, you can directly contact us here.