Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Commission Offers Further Funding

Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Commission Offers Further Funding

Hong Kong Innovation & Technology Commission Offers More Funding Support for Businesses The Innovation & Technology Commission in Hong Kong has announced that they will offer more funding support under various schemes to help businesses and boost the local technology sector.   Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) Advance funding will be arranged for R&D projects under…

Hong Kong Financial

Hong Kong Financial

The International Monetary Fund Reports and Reaffirms That Hong Kong Financial Standing Remains Robust and Prosperous The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has pledged HK$4 billion (US$511 million) in new relief measures to help bolster the economy. The latest boost brings the government’s total pledged amount of relief to HK$25 billion (US$3.2 billion). In…

Fifth Protocol Arrangement

Fifth Protocol Arrangement

Fifth Protocol Arrangement to Avoid Double Taxation   New Arrangement Between Hong Kong and the Mainland Effectively Enforced Hong Kong and the Mainland have reached a new arrangement with the Fifth Protocol. This will be implemented in the Avoidance of Double Taxation Arrangement. The arrangement was signed in July 2019. As part of the new…