Quarantine Exemption for Hong Kong Manufacturing

Quarantine Exemption for Hong Kong Manufacturing

Quarantine Exemption for Hong Kong Manufacturing Operations in the Mainland   Businesses Operating in the Mainland May Apply for Exemption for Travel Hong Kong’s Special Administrative Region has announced that local enterprises involved in manufacturing operations can apply for quarantine exemption arrangements. This is applicable to businesses operating in the Mainland. Hong Kong’s Trade and…

Employment Support Scheme Package

Employment Support Scheme Package

Employment Support Scheme Package in Hong Kong – The Financial Support to Employers   The Government is Offering Limited-time Financial Support for Businesses in Need Hong Kong’s Government has announced the Employment Support Scheme Package which will provide financial support for a limited-time to employers. The packaged is valued at $81 billion and aimed to…

Government Advice for Holding Company Annual General Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Government Advice for Holding Company Annual General Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Government Advice for Holding Company AGM During the COVID-19 Pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has made it necessary for companies to undertake measures for health and safety concerns. The Hong Kong Government has introduced measures to implement social distancing such as the Prevention and Control of Disease (Prohibition on Group Gathering) Regulation which, among other things,…

Second Round of Hong Kong Anti-epidemic Fund Subsidy Schemes Announced

Second Round of Hong Kong Anti-epidemic Fund Subsidy Schemes Announced

Hong Kong Government Announced Second Round of Anti-epidemic Fund Subsidy Schemes The Hong Kong Government has announced details on subsidy schemes under the second round of the Anti-epidemic Fund. The subsidy schemes include the Anti-epidemic Support Scheme for Property Management Sector and the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department subsidy scheme.   Anti-epidemic Fund 2.0 The…

Subsidy Schemes for Businesses

Subsidy Schemes for Businesses

Government Handing Out Subsidy Schemes for Public Entertainment Businesses and Commercial Bathhouses The COVID19 pandemic is taking over the world as we speak. Most countries are rolling out an economic stimulus package to stabilise their economy. The epidemic is causing people to stay at home or at least practise social distancing. Social distancing is now…