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You Could Need a PAR, Embassy Visa or None at All
As Asia’s world city, Hong Kong is looked upon as a global financial hub with lucrative opportunities. For years, Hong Kong has maintained the persona of an immense shopping destination for tourists of all kinds. But Hong Kong is more than that. It is rich with cultures and diversities, a fusion of the old and modern. Hong Kong has plenty to offer tourist looking for something different. Green mountains, beaches and bays, quaint fishing villages, beautiful parks, and one of a kind cultural heritage trails. Shopping and dining is the mainstay, but if you look beyond, your stay in Hong Kong will be a rewarding and memorable visit. For that matter, you would need to get a Hong Kong tourist visa before you can experience Hong Kong.
Leisure Visit
Hong Kong generally welcomes anyone to set foot on its shores. Whether for business, work, study or leisure, Hong Kong wants you to enjoy your stay at all times. Hence, the Hong Kong government is continuously working to ensure living in Hong Kong, the best experience anyone could ever have, even for a short period. Most countries would only allow tourist to visit their land with a valid visa. Hong Kong is a particular case. Although it is part of the People Republic of China, Hong Kong has its laws and regulation governing the city. Then again, if you are planning to travel to Hong Kong, you would still need to apply for a tourist visa from the nearest Chinese Embassy or Consulate.
The Tourist Visa
Tourist travelling to Hong Kong may require a Hong Kong tourist visa. But it all depends on their nationality. There is the Pre-Arrival Registration (PAR) for specific nationalities, embassy or consular visa, and for some countries, a visit visa is not required by the Hong Kong government.
Pre-Arrival Registration
The Hong Kong PAR allowance and criteria depend on the nationality, and they can obtain the PAR permit by applying online. PAR for Indian travellers can stay up to two weeks per visit in Hong Kong, and the PAR allows for multiple entries. The online application requires passport details, personal information and a valid email address. The approval process is quick, and you will receive the PAR notification slip via email. Indian tourist will need to print it out and show it at the Hong Kong border, together with the same passport. Although there is a printed copy of the PAR slip, the PAR is linked electronically to the applicant’s passport. PAR for Taiwanese travellers is only for actual residents of Taiwan. Those who have never lived in Taiwan but are Taiwanese are not eligible for the PAR system. Taiwanese PAR allows the holder to stay up to 30 days per visit. Their PAR also is valid for two months.
Chinese Embassy or Consular Visa
Hong Kong may have their government, but to apply for a visa to visit Hong Kong, individuals from 100 countries will need to contact the nearest Chinese Embassy or Consulate. But if you plan to visit and stay longer than your visa-free period, you would also need to apply for an appropriate visa or permit at a Chinese embassy or consulate office.
No Visa Required
Hong Kong allows up to 170 nationalities to visit Hong Kong without a visa. All you need is your passport, return tickets, enough funds for expenses while in Hong Kong and accommodation booking. You would be able to stay in Hong Kong for a specific period, depending on your nationality. The most prolonged stay is up to 180 days, and the shortest stay per entry is seven days.