Applicable to Operators of Commercial Bathhouses and Public Entertainment Licenses
Commercial bathhouse and public entertainment license holders can apply for the subsidy schemes starting 9 October in Hong Kong.
This was announced by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD). The scheme is part of the Anti-Epidemic Fund, now on its third round. This third round of measures hopes to enhance Hong Kong’s capacity to help provide relief for businesses and individuals.
The subsidies in Hong Kong is applicable for two types of licenses. First is the Commercial Bathhouse Subsidy Scheme. There will be a $50,000 one-off subsidy for each eligible holder. The second is the Places of Public Entertainment License Subsidy Scheme. There will be a $50,000 one-off subsidy for all eligible holders. However, this excludes cinema operators.
Cinema operators are eligible for the Cinemas Subsidy Scheme. For temporary holders of the Places of Public Entertainment License, the subsidy is $10,000.
The Applications
If you are eligible for the subsidy schemes, applications can be submitted through mail or in person. Application deadlines will close by 9 November. Once completed applications have been received, subsidies should be disbursed in approximately two weeks.
Application forms are available at the FEHD website or the FEHD’s District Environmental Hygiene Offices. More details are available here.